Friday, August 31, 2012

Aztec Calendar 08-31-2012

Chikonaui (9) symbolizing the gods of night, represents lunar time, new life, heart of nature’s power, human gestation
Tochtli (Rabbit) represents the moon, pleasure and harmony, unpredictable energy, symbol for fertility. represents life’s seed as the beginning of world’s unity. It symbolizes the corn’s four colors

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Building Up Your Self-Esteem - Stepping Stones

Building Up Your Self-Esteem - Use these stepping stones

  • Stand and walk with good posture.
  • Take a strong commitment and a conscious effort to succeed in building your own self esteem.
  • The next time you make a mistake, be forgiving of yourself.
  • Redefine "selfish". Learn to love yourself and to take care of your needs effectively. You can get your needs met and still have love in your life.
  • Take responsibility for your life and your well-being and STOP taking responsibility for other people's lives. It's great to help people, but they are still responsible for their own situations and actions.
  • Spend more time with people who encourage you, and less time with people who discourage you.
  • Eat nourishing meals and exercise, and remind yourself that you are worth it.
  • As you make new choices, set out a plan and get a support partner.
  • Treat yourself with a warm bath, a massage or a good book. Treat yourself with deliberate acts of kindess

The Ten Commandments of Self-Esteem

  1. Thou shalt not consort with people who make thee feel bad about thyself.
  2. Thou shalt cease trying to make sense of crazy behaviour.
  3. Thou shalt not keep company with those more dysfunctional than thyself.
  4. Trust thy body all the days of thy life [ Thy mind doth fornicate with thee ].
  5. Thou hast permission at all times to say "NO", to change thy mind, and to express thy true feelings.
  6. What is not right for thee is not right for thy brethern.
  7. Thou shalt not give beyond thine own capacity.
  8. What thy brethern think of thee mattereth naught.
  9. Wherever thou art, therein also is the party.
  10. Thou shalt sing thine own praises all the days of thy life.
[ The Ten Commandments of Self-Esteem  © by Catherine Cardinal.  Thank you for making this information available ]

Aztec Calendar 08-30-2012

Chikoei (8) relates to cosmic order and equilibrium, represents awareness of the material world and spiritual world, symbol of power.
Mazatl (Deer) represents nobility, joyous, quick, cautious, symbol for the four seasons. It is the strength and power that carries humanity’s destination. It is the strength and energy of the four cardinal points necessary for the creation of the world.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Aztec Calendar 08-28-2012

Chikoaze (6) harmony, rebirth, completion of creation, represents new infinite cycle, cosmos, everything outside the heart.
Coatl (Snake) represents holding wisdom along our path, intuition and awareness of surroundings, stability, connection to mother earth. Measures the strength and energy of everything that exists. It indicates the world’s evolution

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tachi Yokuts Bear Dance August 24, 2012 Lemoore California USA

This past Friday I had the pleasure of attending my second Bear Dance and it was an amazing spiritual experience and I even got to witness an extremely rare event…but first, a little history.  The Bear Dance was revived by Tachi Yokuts spiritual elder Clarence Atwell Sr., who was given a vision to bring back the Bear Dance to the people for healing.   The Bear dance is a spiritual ceremony in which a few members of the Tachi Yokut tribe are chosen by a Bear spirit to act as a spiritual healer within the tribe.  To describe the role the dancers and wingman play I thought nothing would be better than a firsthand account from a Bear Dancer himself.  The following in an excerpt from Jim PathFinder Ewing (Nvnehi Awatisgi) website:  (I highly recommend reading his entire account of his own experiences being a Bear Dancer!)

“In the Dance, the dancers wear bear skins and “become” the Bear. They “take on” all the ills of the people assembled, and the ills are transmuted into healing power. It is not the dancers who heal the people, but the healing power of the Bear. The wing men keep the dancers bathed in sage smoke, so that the dancers themselves don’t “take on” the illnesses. The dancers must “become” the bear, and stay “in” being the Bear. To falter can be dangerous and instantly debilitating. So, the role of the wingmen is vital: to keep the dancers “clear” of unwanted energy, and to help keep them grounded between the songs, so that the dancers don’t “go off” into Spirit place and not come back. Often the dancers will “take on” something and have to be taken by the wingmen to the sacred fire, where they may cough up dis-ease, or even collapse, if their connection with the Bear is not certain.”  

The dance began about 9pm with the lighting of a large bonfire and the bear spirits being honored by four elders of the tribe with the sacrifice of honey, fish, and berries into the fire at all four directions.  Then the Bears are called into the circle.  The bears, some as young as 7 or 8, enter the sacred space and immediately started dancing and riding the watchers of their dis-ease and spiritual, emotional burdens.  The wingmen were constantly smudging the entire space with sage while keeping a watchful eye on the bears ready to assist them whenever needed.  They also carry a bone whistle that mimics the sound of an eagle to bring the human spirit back into the body when the Bear spirit starts to take over.  

After the initial dance we got to witness an extremely rare event.  When a bear spirit has finished the work it had set out to do with a particular person, the bear must be sacrificed in order for a new bear spirit to take up the task of teaching and being a spiritual guide for the person.  This happened to a young man (about 10 or 11 years old would be my guess), he had done a tremendous amount of spiritual work for his young age and it was time for his bear spirit to leave and another to come into his life.  This young man was surrounded by the rest of the bears and as they huddled and danced around him the boy was stripped of his bear skin and the skin (which represents the bear spirit) he threw the skin into the fire as a sacrifice.  This was a powerful event and he mourned openly his bear spirit. He was then re-clothed with a new bear skin, beginning a new phase of his spiritual journey.   This was incredibly powerful to watch, I could feel the energy change and it was simply amazing to witness as this doesn’t happen very often.  Most bear spirits will stay with a person his entire life.  

After the remarkable sacrifice ceremony the watchers had the opportunity to participate in a hook up.  A long conga-esque line is created with the bears in the lead and everyone hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them.  It is an opportunity to dance with the bears around the sacred fire and a huge part in the healing process.  While dancing with the bears it is said that raking your fingers through the bears’ fur as they pass you is great healing, in that the bear spirit will take away your illness.  

The next part of the ceremony is when the bears and wingmen go around to every individual person and does a spiritual cleansing on them including smudging, eagle whistles, and a gentle beating with eagle wings. (Yes, real eagle wings!)  During this time people are also welcome to a handful of tobacco to throw into the fire as an offering in exchange for the healing.  I feel that my healing was very powerful; the wingman seemed to spend a lot of time knocking my forehead (third eye) with the eagle wings.  I’m pretty sure I got the message…

I hope I’ve done the experience justice; it seems there are not enough words to truly describe the energy that surrounded the dance.  I can’t wait for next year and hope you will have to opportunity to experience this inspiring event.

by Krista Erickson
© Casa Del Curandero 2012


Web of Loneliness

Casa Del Curandero would like to recommend the website and book by our friend Sean Seepersad Web of Lonelines

The Web of Loneliness: Giving a voice to the lonely!

The Web of Loneliness is dedicated to providing information, artwork, resources and support to those individuals who feel lonely. Visitors can learn about loneliness, explore the experiences of others, and share their own experiences.

Aztec Calendar 08-27-2012

Makuilli (5) completeness and the awakening of consciousness, the five suns or eras of the Aztecs, the human body, represents life function, from within, hearts center, securing, grasping, the hand that gathers and bring in.
Cuetzpalin (Lizard) represents movement, resilience, regeneration, adaptation. Is in harmony and also ruled by the environment.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Aztec Calendar 8-26-12

Naui (4) stability represents the four sacred directions, the seasons, four stages of humans (childhood, youth, maturity, and old age), the four people of the earth, the four elements (water, fire, wind and earth)
Calli (House) the foundation of culture, aware of all temples like building, body, mind spirit, community, nation and world. Symbolizes the two polarities of energy, light and darkness.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Inca prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle

The Inca prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle

We have been waiting five hundred years. The Inca prophecies say that “now, in this age, when the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the South fly together, the Earth will awaken, and awaken her children to once again live in the way of spirit and honor mother earth.” 
The Inca prophecy said that at the end of the eighth Pachakuti (Each Pachakuti corresponds to five hundred years) the Eagle people would dominate the Condor people. The end of the eighth Pachakuti is placed at the time of the arrival of the first Europeans. This started the time of exploitation, depopulation, and even genocide of the indigenous people of the Americas. The reign of the eagle people was foretold to nearly bring the extinction of the Condor people. 
Prior to the end of the eighth Pachakuti the Condor people shared knowledge, trade, and spiritual insights based on sustainable living and spiritual growth.  There used to be vast interaction by all tribes of the Americas until the Eagle people came and broke the union of the Condor and Eagle,  which ended up with the exploitation of the people and land cutting them off from each other to the point it that has taken hundreds of years for all peoples of the Americas to realize we are one people with common heritage and shared values.
It is as if we are a broken body that will heal and come back together. This time is foretold by many indigenous people from North, Central, and South America as the time when the human family would face the choice to evolve and transform or to continue on this path of destruction thus ending this world and its people.
Prophecy says that the end of the twentieth century the people of the Condor and Eagle will fly together once more and regenerate the Earth and its people. Also a indigenizing of the Europeans children who were without an indigenous consciousness of connection to mother Earth will become indigenized in spirit, tradition, and thought.
The indigenous people of the North, Central, and South America have already started to meet and talk as early as 1990 to bring about the change foretold in many of the prophecies of the ancient ones. The Peace and Dignity Journey Run takes place every four year starting in the north from Alaska and the south from Terra de Fuego meeting in Central America.  It is with the ancient knowledge and traditions that we can change and save the world. Now is the time to unite and honor each other and let go of material and bring spirit.

For more information of the Peace and Dignity Journey Run visit:

©2012 Casa Del Curandero

Aztec Calendar 8-25-2012

Yei (3) represents new cycle, new life, creation, gate of change with knowledge, the future.
Ehecatl (Wind) represents voices of the ancestors, wisdom from all directions, gentle and destructive, breath of life. Represents the essence of human beings. With Ehecatl it was possible to finalize the creation/formation of the world and everything necessary for human beings.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Ortiz Printing (Supporting Local Business)

Casa Del Curandero
Tai Chi Center of Fresno recommend this local buisness for all your printing needs.
Ortiz Printing

"We print on anything but water and air"

Aztec Calendar 8-24-2012

Ome (2) The principles of nature, represents duality, creative process, yin & yang, ome teotl, law of duality.
Cipactli (Crocodile) (Ancient Sea Creature) represents power, adaptable with being and creating, quick to snap, must be mindful of temper, do not realize what they create until they are done. Symbolizes the hidden forces of the universe, the land was formed on its back.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aztec Calendar 08-23-2012

 Ze (1) The void represents all and nothing at the same time; the first; the beginning and end; unity, limitless, ultimateless; boundless; infinite; primordial universe
Xochitl (Flower) represents the cycle of life, complete human being, and symbol for flower. It represents material and spiritual certainty. It is the realization of the body. It represents the Xotchit’s manifestation and its triumph over Mictlan’s men. *Xochitl: refers to flower *Mictlan: refers to the place of the dead

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Give and Receive

Aztec Calendar 8-22-2012

Mahtlaktli Yei (13) represents complete human, completely capable at the physical and spiritual levels of life and beyond, the completion of evolution in this life.
Quiahuitl (Fire Rain) represents life, healing from the spiritual world, destructive, creation. It was the day when grandparents triumphed over barriers and problems

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Aztec Calendar 8-21-2012

Mahtlaktli Ome (12) spiritual and earthly order, represents capable of solving all physical problems with creative answers.
Tecpatl (Flint-Knife) represents sacrifice, communication, words with power cutting all illusion, Truth. It is the energy that opens doors to the rain. It is the nawal of intelligence and of doctors. *nawal refers to spirit

Monday, August 20, 2012

Peace and Dignity Journey

In 1990, over 200 representatives of Indigenous nations from throughout the western hemisphere met for the first time in Quito, Ecuador. There, they witnessed the unfolding prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. The inspiration of spiritual running to re-unite the nations of turtle island surfaced from the elders. Elders from North, Central and South America remember and talk about a prophecy that foretold how we will come together and reunite as one… “we are like a body that was broken up into pieces and this body will come back together to be whole again.”. Peace & Dignity Journeys became part of the realization. Through Peace & Dignity Journeys, numerous and diverse indigenous nations reunite and reclaim dignity for their families and communities.

In 1992 the first Peace & Dignity Journey was completed. It continued again in 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008, where the people involved realized that Peace & Dignity Journeys was a powerful form of prayer that was beginning to unite and heal their nations. Peace & Dignity Journeys’ purpose is to attain the following goals amongst first nations of the North and South American continents, that which is known to be the unification of the Eagle and the Condor.

Aztec Calendar 8-20-2012

Mahtlaktli Ze (11) represents new beginning attached to previous cycle, full load of creative abilities.
Ollin (Movement) represents movement, earth quake, revolutionary spirit cleansing, transitions, male-female, symbol for movement. It is the development and relationship of strengths to reach perfection. Day in which grandparents prayed the creator for their wisdom.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Traditional Medicine Without Borders: Curanderismo in the Southwest and Mexico | The University of New Mexico

Traditional Medicine Without Borders: Curanderismo in the Southwest and Mexico | The University of New Mexico:

UNM Curanderismo Class Traditional Medicine without Borders: Curanderismo in the Southwest & Mexico

Hauntings in Central CA Sunday, August 19th at 8 pm.

Ok, FB friends, the 4th episode of Hauntings in Central CA is set to air on Sunday, August 19th at 8 pm. Great History, unexplained paranormal phenomena and my great CCPI team. Join us in watching our special documentary about a place in downtown Fresno that has been there for over 75 years and has reported paranormal activity. CCPI is going to find out if its haunted. Let me know what you all think after the show
On Kail TV, Comcast ch 13/713HD; Satellite ch 53
For those of you who live outside of the Valley and can not get the KAIL TV channel on comcast 13/713hd and satellite 53, Alexandra Shepiro will be streaming it on her JTV show at http://www.justin.tvtheprydonianparaprincess at 8 pm. You can watch the show and chat about it with other viewers.

The Four Agreements

In the best selling book The Four Agreements don Miguel Ruiz gives four principles to practice in order to create love and happiness in your life. 

Adopting and committing to these agreements is simple. 

Actually living and keeping these Four Agreements can  be one of the hardest things  you will ever do. It can also be one of the most life changing things you will ever do.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.

The human DNA is a biological internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Little Habits That Can Change Your Life, and How to Form Them

Little Habits That Can Change Your Life, and How to Form Them “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter. If you could just pick one or two (or seven) habits to create in the next few months — habits that will have the most impact on your life — what would they be? I often get asked this question, because people are overwhelmed when it comes to starting positive life changes. They ask me: what one or two habits should they start with? It’s not an easy question. There are so many changes I’ve gone through, from quitting smoking to simplifying my life to reducing debt to many more. And they’ve all seemed life-changing, and they’ve all seemed important. But if I were to start again, and had to pick one or two, it would be the one or two listed below. The list that follows is in order of what I think I’d do the first 6-7 months of changing my life … but realize that every person is different. No one should follow my choices exactly — you’ve got to figure out what works for you. That said, if you followed the program below, and worked to develop these habits, you’d probably do pretty well. “Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them.” - Confucius How to Develop the Habits I’ve written a number of times about developing habits, but here are the basics: Do a 30-day challenge, focusing on just ONE habit. Write it out on paper, along with your motivations, obstacles, and strategies for overcoming them. Commit fully, in a public way. Log your progress. Remain publicly accountable — report on your progress each day. Have support for when you falter — either in real life or online. Reward every little success. If you fail, figure out what went wrong, plan for it, and try again
7 habits

Thursday, August 9, 2012

It is valuable but can not be saved

What is the only thing that is valuable beyond any treasure in the world? 

It can can not be saved or traded.

Once gone it can never be gained again. Yet it can be shared without cost. 

It is TIME

While you may say time is an illusion and well it might be for our soul and mind it is not for our body in this journey. Our body has a finite internal clock that will release us to our next journey so choose your time here wisely and choose the next journey even more wisely.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Aztec Calendar 8-6-12

Mahtlaktli (10) represents full load, two hands, duality, balance, creative arts.
Calli (House) the foundation of culture, aware of all temples like building, body, mind spirit, community, nation and world. Symbolizes the two polarities of energy, light and darkness.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Aztec Calendar 8-5-12

 Chikonaui (9) represents lunar time, new life, heart of nature’s power, human gestation
Ehecatl (Wind) represents voices of the ancestors, wisdom from all directions, gentle and destructive, breath of life. Represents the essence of human beings. With Ehecatl it was possible to finalize the creation/formation of the world and everything necessary for human beings.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Aztec Calendar 8-4-12

Chikoei (8) represents awareness of the material world and spiritual world, symbol of power.
Cipactli (Crocodile) (Ancient Sea Creature) represents power, adaptable with being and creating, quick to snap, must be mindful of temper, do not realize what they create until they are done. Symbolizes the hidden forces of the universe, the land was formed on its back.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Aztec Calendar August 3, 2012

Chikome (7) represents heart of duality, announces the seasons, eclipses, symbol for the Pleiades.
Xochitl (Flower) represents the cycle of life, complete human being, and symbol for flower. It represents material and spiritual certainty. It is the realization of the body. It represents the Xotchit’s manifestation and its triumph over Mictlan’s men. *Xochitl: refers to flower *Mictlan: refers to the place of the dead