Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Aztec Calendar July 31, 2012

Naui (4) stability represents the four sacred directions, the seasons, four stages of humans (childhood, youth, maturity, and old age), the four people of the earth, the four elements (water, fire, wind and earth).
Ollin (Movement) represents movement, earth quake, revolutionary spirit cleansing, transitions, male-female, symbol for movement. It is the development and relationship of strengths to reach perfection. Day in which grandparents prayed the creator for their wisdom.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Aztec Calendar July 30, 2012

Yei (3) represents new cycle, creation, new gate of change with knowledge
Cozcacuauhtli (Condor) represents recycling, ancient wisdom, speaks to ancestors. It is the memory of our ancestors who guide the present and influence the future

Creation of the new from the old but be careful you do not get trapped by old cycles. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Aztec Calendar July 28, 2012

Ze (1) represents all and nothing, the first, unity
Ocelotl (Jaguar) represents the warrior of the night and spiritual worlds, neutralizing positive & negative creating balance, ceremony, ritual. It represents divine revelations

A day of true balance of power, access to the mystery or she mirror behind the smoke.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Aztec Calendar July 27, 2012

Mahtlaktli Yei (13)  represents complete human, completely capable at the physical and spiritual levels of life and beyond.
Acatl (Reed) represents flexible, strong, can withstand many pressures, intelligence, warrior, symbol for authority.  represents the constant sprout of existence and its development to reach unity. It is triumph over evil. 

Learning to be grounded and able to adapt to all things in your life. Full access to the universal knowledge. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Aztec Calendar July 26, 2012

Mahtlaktli Ome (12) represents capable of solving all physical problems with creative answers.
Malinalli (Herb) represents root of health, lives tendencies, change, regeneration, long life, many struggles. Indicates the path of destination and life’s development. It is the power, strength, and energy for the beginning of a job or trip for the human realization.

A day to resolve any health issues and to strengthen the body. Great day to start any project.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Aztec Calendar July 25, 2012

Mahtlaktli Ze (11) represents new beginning attached to previous cycle, full load of creative abilities.
Ozomahtli (Monkey) represents laziness, art, games, joyous, capable of grasping all things, represents infinite time and unit. Therefore it unites female and male.

A day the past could interfere with your growth. Use the insight to let go and resolve

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Aztec Calendar July 24, 2012

Mahtlaktli (10) represents full load, two hands, duality, balance, creative arts.
Itzcuintli (Dog) represents loyalty, friendship, guardian, protector, guide to the after life. represents the interpretation of the known and unknown. Guardian of material and spiritual laws. Represents order and exactitude.

Time to put in order the material world so that the spiritual can come to rest. follow your insights.

Monday, July 23, 2012

When is the time

Be bold and take the risk even if you don't know if the timing is right.  Don't wait until you have spent so much time exsaming if this is the right move that you make the right move to late. It is never to late to have what you dream if you act on it.

Aztec Calendar July 23, 2012

Chikonaui (9) represents lunar time, new life, heart of nature’s power, human gestation.
Atl (Water) represents life, purifying force, and unpredictable, unstable, emotional. represents the emendation of sins. It symbolizes rain as the beginning of communication with life and to life.

Opening to creation and flow of life. Emotions run high and are highly sensitive.