Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The essence of ability

The essence of someones ability is not that they are able to channel or project more energy than someone else, that you have more of connection to divine source or power. The ability to let this power flow comes from you ability to quiet the mind and get out of the way for the natural process of the body mind connection to proceed without the clutter of all you have been taught that separated you from the world and universe around you.

Get your ego out of the way get your mind to be still and then you must do the hardest thing ever, accept that these magical, divine or miraculous event are completely normal in everyday life. For to long we are taught that the manifestation of the divine, magic or miraculous is something out of the ordinary and only for special people under special circumstances. You must remove the phrase "I don't believe it" or "I can't believe it" this will only further enslave you to being blind to what you have been seeking.

Do not concider you are on this planet but you are part of this planet interconnected to it in each and every aspect once you can feel and conceive this then you will be part of a greater power extending beyong this little blue pebble in the sea of the mystical universe.

Do your best take your time and believe in the journey.

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