Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Aztec Calendar May 17, 2011

#AztecCalendar: Makuilli(5)-Cozcacuauhtli (Condor). 5=life function, from within, hearts center, the hand that gathers. Cozcacuauhtli=recycling, ancient wisdom, speaks to ancestors. A day to go with the heart, use the knowledge of the elders and bring into your inner circle that which is needed and push out that you no longer want. Renew things that are still useful transmute them into something.


KONDOR said...

Hello Francisco. Where did you get the info regarding the days of the calendar.

Unknown said...

This information comes from my Calendar Teacher who learned in the oral tradition by his teacher the keeper of the calendar for all the ceremonial dancers in Mexico

Mateo Montoya said...

Cozcacuauhtli is the vulture not the condor...