Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Inca prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle

The Inca prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle

We have been waiting five hundred years. The Inca prophecies say that “now, in this age, when the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the South fly together, the Earth will awaken, and awaken her children to once again live in the way of spirit and honor mother earth.” 
The Inca prophecy said that at the end of the eighth Pachakuti (Each Pachakuti corresponds to five hundred years) the Eagle people would dominate the Condor people. The end of the eighth Pachakuti is placed at the time of the arrival of the first Europeans. This started the time of exploitation, depopulation, and even genocide of the indigenous people of the Americas. The reign of the eagle people was foretold to nearly bring the extinction of the Condor people. 
Prior to the end of the eighth Pachakuti the Condor people shared knowledge, trade, and spiritual insights based on sustainable living and spiritual growth.  There used to be vast interaction by all tribes of the Americas until the Eagle people came and broke the union of the Condor and Eagle,  which ended up with the exploitation of the people and land cutting them off from each other to the point it that has taken hundreds of years for all peoples of the Americas to realize we are one people with common heritage and shared values.
It is as if we are a broken body that will heal and come back together. This time is foretold by many indigenous people from North, Central, and South America as the time when the human family would face the choice to evolve and transform or to continue on this path of destruction thus ending this world and its people.
Prophecy says that the end of the twentieth century the people of the Condor and Eagle will fly together once more and regenerate the Earth and its people. Also a indigenizing of the Europeans children who were without an indigenous consciousness of connection to mother Earth will become indigenized in spirit, tradition, and thought.
The indigenous people of the North, Central, and South America have already started to meet and talk as early as 1990 to bring about the change foretold in many of the prophecies of the ancient ones. The Peace and Dignity Journey Run takes place every four year starting in the north from Alaska and the south from Terra de Fuego meeting in Central America.  It is with the ancient knowledge and traditions that we can change and save the world. Now is the time to unite and honor each other and let go of material and bring spirit.

For more information of the Peace and Dignity Journey Run visit:

©2012 Casa Del Curandero

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