Tuesday, December 25, 2012

12-25-2012 Keys To The Sixth Sun El Tonalpohualli - Aztec Sacred Calendar

Chikoei (Ocho) (Eight)
Relates to cosmic order and equilibrium, represents awareness of the material world and spiritual world, symbol of power.

Se relaciona con el orden cósmico y el equilibrio, representa la conciencia del mundo material y el mundo espiritual, símbolo del poder

Cuetzpalin (Lagarto) (Lizard)
Represents movement, resilience, regeneration, adaptation. Is in harmony and also ruled by the environment.

Representa el movimiento, la resiliencia, la regeneración, adaptación. Está en armonía y también gobernado por el medio ambiente

Key: Regeneration and adaptation in this and the spirit world brought together. Awareness of the message from mother earth and all beings in it. 

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