Saturday, January 26, 2013

01-26-2013 El Tonalpohualli - Sacred Meso-American Calendar

El Tonalpohualli is the Aztec interpretation of the Maya Calendar. Find the keys to the era of the sixth sun daily here. Today is Mahtlaktli - Malinalli

Ze (Uno) (One)
This intrinsic number represents the primordial energy of the universe. It represents all and nothing at the same time. It is both the beginning and end..

Este número intrínseco es la energía primordial del universo. Representa todo y nada al mismo tiempo. Es a la vez el principio y el fin.

Cozcacuauhtli (Cóndor) (Condor) (Ancient Eagle, Águila Antigua)

This day sign is the memory of our ancestors who guide the present and influence the future.

Este signo del día es la memoria de nuestros antepasados ​​que guían el presente e influir en el futuro.

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