Thursday, January 20, 2011

Calm Present Mind/Spirit

Most people talk about working to be enlightened like it is a far off place, a journey and by doing this putting it out far in front of where you are at the moment.

Some people talk about altering their state of consciousness to reach enlightenment. If you are not in the moment you are already in an altered state of mind, you need to be in a calm present mind/spirit.

Some study with some great guru to reach enlightenment. Following someones example who is able to sustain the calm present mind/spirit for a greater time than you can at the moment is great, but seeing them as a guru rather than just a human with a little more experience does you no good as you will not see yourself at that level.

Enlightenment is no more or less than being in the present moment experiencing all things as they are, your reaction to those things is the key. Approaching the pleasant and unpleasant with a calm mind/spirit.

People are already enlightened they must not allow either the world noises or their own to keep them from being in the moment. We learn that altered state of mind/spirit, confusion, worry, depression, chatter in our mind is normal and that being of a calm mind/spirit is something out of the ordinary.

While is is simple we do live in a toxic environment that causes us to not be able to see the simplicity of this action due to conditioning to accept the abnormal as normal.

Do not practice anything to calm your mind instead just do the practice you choose be it meditation, tai chi, prayer etc. make it something normal to your daily life.

Evaluate yourself, reactions, responses to things around you on a given day or week. If you are constantly talking about your practice then you are not doing it because once it become part of you it is like breathing, not something you go on and on about.

When someone brings to your attention that you are far off from your goal of your peaceful mind/spirit it is not a bad thing it is a great thing because those around you have noticed how calm and peaceful you are as a normal daily thing and when you are not that way then see it as strange. This in a great opportunity to deepen your own understanding of you.

Be gentle with yourself and treat yourself with kindness.

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