Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Aztec Calendar 9-11-12

Chikome (7) wholeness, completion and fullness, represents heart of duality, announces the seasons, eclipses, symbol for the Pleiades.
Quiahuitl (Fire Rain) represents life, healing from the spiritual world, destructive, creation. It was the day when grandparents triumphed over barriers and problems

The terroist attacts on 9-11-01 took place on
Chikoaze (6) harmony, rebirth, completion of creation, represents new infinite cycle, cosmos, everything outside the heart
Cipactli (Crocodile) (Ancient Sea Creature) represents power, adaptable with being and creating, quick to snap, must be mindful of temper, do not realize what they create until they are done. Symbolizes the hidden forces of the universe, the land was formed on its back.

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