Saturday, June 30, 2012

Aztec Calendar 6-30-12

Mahtlaktli Ome (12) represents capable of solving all physical problems with creative answers
Miquiztli (Death) represents transformation, rest, reflection, letting go of the old, rebirth. It develops night’s energy into next day’s light, just like the renaissance after death
The day that all things that are ready to go can be let go and rebirth can be gained on the path to change.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Aztec Calendar 6-29-12

Mahtlaktli Ze (11) represents new beginning attached to previous cycle, full load of creative abilities
Coatl (Snake) represents holding wisdom along our path, intuition and awareness of surroundings, stability, connection to mother earth. Measures the strength and energy of everything that exists. It indicates the world’s evolution
Projecting into the future what will be and perceiving what is to come. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Who deserves your love?

Aztec Calendar 6-28-12

Mahtlaktli (10) represents full load, two hands, duality, balance, creative arts
Cuetzpalin (Lizard) represents movement, resilience, regeneration, adaptation
Time to regenerate your creative side

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Never too late

Aztec Calendar 6-27-12

Chikonaui (9) represents lunar time, new life, heart of nature’s power, human gestation
Calli (House) the foundation of culture, aware of all temples like building, body, mind spirit, community, nation and world. Symbolizes the two polarities of energy, light and darkness
Brining to life a new foundation and stronger direction

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Aztec Calendar 6-26-12

Chikoei (8) represents awareness of the material world and spiritual world, symbol of power.
Ehecatl (Wind) represents voices of the ancestors, wisdom from all directions, gentle and destructive, breath of life. Represents the essence of human beings. With Ehecatl it was possible to finalize the creation/formation of the world and everything necessary for human beings.
Bringing your spiritual  work together to human form. In meditation wisdom comes clear.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Aztec Calendar June 25, 2012

Cipactli (Crocodile) (Ancient Sea Creature) represents power, adaptable with being and creating, quick to snap, must be mindful of temper, do not realize what they create until they are done. Symbolizes the hidden forces of the universe, the land was formed on its back.
Chikome (7) represents heart of duality, announces the seasons, eclipses, symbol for the Pleiades.
Steady progress but be mindful of what you speak it creates or destroys in seconds what you might have already formed.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

What the bleep did we know?

From around the time Newton states the three laws of motion until present day scientist have been on a quest to discover how the universe really works.  Centuries have passed in this quest giving rise to one theory after another on how energy and matter react or interact around us.  Set aside the foolish days of wizards and mystics who understood the universal nature of a conscious energy around us that we could access.  Modern day science had to be better and could prove anything and be the definitive answer to how things work.

While the mysteries of the world unfolded around the modern educated man they struggled to understand how, in their words, ‘primitive people’ with no sophisticated tools could build great structures like the pyramids around the world, or the huge stone monolithic figures in Central America and the pacific islands.

So modern science moves along making wonderful rediscoveries as I like to say and really opening up every ones view of the universe around us, but on strict limited terms according to the rules, but aren’t all these rules just theories?  One after another, the theories put forth by many luminaries come to be enhanced by more theories as the limits of the logical mind have to give way to the limitless magical universe around us.  Soon modern science runs into the teachings and stories of the ancient cultures about the world and universe and their modern million dollar tools start to agree with these ancient ideas and facts from the ‘primitive people’ of the past.

The three laws of motion is a pathway to wave theory, then the theory of relativity, then string theory, going on to become the unified theory of quantum science.  Of course between all those are many more theories like zero point and constant way etc.

So what happens to these logical theories when they confront the quantum level of the universe itself? Well they must now embrace magic.  Yes good old ancient teachings of a universal conscious energy and that time and space really do not have a linear aspect, and that any point in time is accessible.  Energy travels to us in all directions and planes as well as travels from us, that a thought is energy and can change the state of any energetic object including your own body.

So what the bleep did we know?  Could the human race have embraced to much logical pursuit of why things are instead of just following the old teachings that build great mystical places that to this day can challenge the best minds on how modern man might construct one aspect of a sight, let alone the whole city.  Or the perfect calendar that is so precise tracking the universe and all things in it including the earth from the time of its creation.

It was never magic, it was the mind of humanity being connected to the creative energetic source around us and thus giving us access to a huge amount of wisdom and knowledge. So what the bleep did we know and did some of us forget.  We are only limited by how we choose to be limited.  Our self talk is one of the biggest anchors we can have, the words ‘I don’t believe it’ will forever keep you from seeing the magical side of life.  Reach for the furthest point your heart can see and true wonders of the world will unfold.

Aztec Calendar June 24, 2012

Xochitl (Flower) represents the cycle of life, complete human being, and symbol for flower. It represents material and spiritual certainty. It is the realization of the body. It represents the Xotchit’s manifestation and its triumph over Mictlan’s men. *Xochitl: refers to flower *Mictlan: refers to the place of the dead
Chikoaze (6) represents new infinite cycle, cosmos, everything outside the heart

Begin the new journey certain of the path and end.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Merit

Aztec Calendar June 23, 2012

Makuilli (5) represents life function, from within, hearts center, the hand that gathers
Quiahuitl (Fire Rain) represents life, healing from the spiritual world, destructive, creation. It was the day when grandparents triumphed over barriers and problems.

Grasp the journey and turn your attention to the struggle you make harder by fighting against what life has for your future

Friday, June 22, 2012

Aztec Calendar June 22, 2012

Naui (4) represents the four sacred directions, seasons, four stages of humans, four people of the earth, four elements
 Tecpatl (Flint-Knife) represents sacrifice, communication, words with power cutting all illusion, Truth. It is the energy that opens doors to the rain. It is the nawal of intelligence and of doctors. *nawal refers to spirit  

Truth is to be gotten at all levels in your life, truth will be spoken choose wisely

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Aztec Calendar June 21, 2012

Yei (3) represents new cycle, creation, new gate of change with knowledge.
Ollin (Movement) represents movement, earth quake, revolutionary spirit cleansing, transitions, male-female, symbol for movement. It is the development and relationship of strengths to reach perfection. Day in which grandparents prayed the creator for their wisdom.

Out of letting go or having things released new creations will be opened and solid. Letting go of the old to create the new.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Aztec Calendar June 20, 2012

Ome (2) represents duality, creative process, yin & yang, ome teotl, law of duality.

Cozcacuauhtli (Condor) represents recycling, ancient wisdom, speaks to ancestors. It is the memory of our ancestors who guide the present and influence the future

We start with our ancestors wisdom with the power of both of the universe to move forward.

The Summer Solstice

The summer solstice annouces the start of summer officially beginning at 7:09 p.m. today, June 20, 2012.Today is the longest day of the year. We now have 6 months until the end of the fifth sun. This day is a balance point.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Life is short

Aztec Calendar June 19, 2012

Ze (1) represents all and nothing, the first, unity.
Cuauhtli (Eagle) represents the warrior of the day, vision, no fear, masculine, protector, deliver of messages and prayers. represents human strength and fertility. It is the representation of all that exists in the space.

The energies of the eagle will flow through the next 13 days. Vision is possible to access you transformation and the journey at hand. Knowledge through meditation and prayer are completly accessible. There is a new moon to start this cycle and that bring great opportunity for change and movming forward.