Only when it becomes alive to you can you own the feeling of the true Tao. "This holds true for this simple blog" . . .
Saturday, September 29, 2012
What you might have missed from Casa Del Curandero
A list of posting you might have missed from Casa Del Curandero for September.
Full Moon Crystal Cleansing
9-29-12 El Tonalpohualli - Aztec Sacred Calendar
El Tonalpohualli Hoy - Today's Aztec Sacred Calendar
Full Moon At 8:19 PST
Mahtlaktli Ome (Doce) (Twelve)
and earthly order,
represents capable of solving all physical problems with creative
Orden espiritual y terrenal, representa
capaz de resolver todos los problemas físicos con respuestas creativas
Ollin (Movimiento) (Movement)
Represents movement, earth quake,
revolutionary spirit cleansing, transitions, male-female, symbol for movement. It is the development and relationship of
strengths to reach perfection. Day in which grandparents prayed the creator for
their wisdom.
el movimiento, temblor de la tierra, la limpieza revolucionario de espíritu,
transiciones, macho-hembra, símbolo para el movimiento. Es el desarrollo y la
relación de fuerzas para alcanzar la perfección. Día en que los abuelos oró al
Creador por su sabiduría
Friday, September 28, 2012
Full Moon Crystal Cleansing
Full moon is a great time to energetically clear and cleanse your
crystals and gemstones. Crystals can amplify, neutralize or transmute whatever
energies that surround them. So it is a good idea to periodically clear
and cleanse them.
One way to cleanse crystals is to put them outside under the full moon.
One way to cleanse crystals is to put them outside under the full moon.
- Placing the crystals on the ground is the optimum way to cleanse them during the full moon, but placing then on a natural wood tray or even a soft cotton cloth is also good.
- You can also wash them in a sea salt bath then rinse then before placing them out.
- The moon light washes away anything that is no longer needed.
9-28-12 El Tonalpohualli - Aztec Sacred Calendar
El Tonalpohualli - Aztec Sacred Calendar Mahtlaktli Ze-Cozcacuauhtli
Mahtlaktli Ze (Once) (Eleven)
Represents new beginning attached to previous cycle, full load of creative abilities, able to create what is conceived.
Representa nuevo comienzo unido al ciclo anterior, la carga completa de las capacidades creativas, capaces de crear lo que se concibe
Cozcacuauhtli (Cóndor) (Condor) (Ancient Eagle, Águila Antigua)
Represents recycling, ancient wisdom, speaks to ancestors. It is the memory of our ancestors who guide the present and influence the future.
Representa el reciclaje, la sabiduría antigua, habla a los antepasados. Es la memoria de nuestros antepasados que guían el presente e influir en el futuro
Thursday, September 27, 2012
El Tonalpohualli - Aztec Sacred Calendar 9-27-12
El Tonalpohualli - Aztec Sacred Calendar
Mahtlaktli (Diez) (Ten) - Cuauhtli (Águila) (Eagle)
Mahtlaktli (Diez) (Ten)
Represents full load, two hands that gather, able to build, duality, balance, creative arts, symbolizes the return to oneness or the beginning.
Representa a plena carga, dos manos que recogen, capaz de construir, la dualidad, el equilibrio, las artes creativas, simboliza el retorno a la unidad o el principio.
Cuauhtli (Águila) (Eagle)
Represents the warrior of the day, vision, no fear, masculine, protector, deliver of messages and prayers. represents human strength and fertility. It is the representation of all that exists in the space.
Representa el guerrero de el dia, la visión, sin temor, masculino, protector, entrega de mensajes y oraciones. representa la fuerza humana y la fertilidad. Es la representación de todo lo que existe en el espacio
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
About Grace Sesma
Learn About Grace Sesma a Curandera, Teacher and Humanitarian who is keeping the scared teachings alive.
9-26-12 El Tonalpouhalli Hoy - Aztec Scared Calendar
9-26-12 El Tonalpohualli Hoy - Today’s Aztec Sacred Calendar
El Tonalpohualli Hoy - Today’s Aztec Sacred Calendar
Chikonaui (Nueve) (Nine) - Ocelotl (Jaguar)
Chikonaui (Nueve) (Nine)
Symbolizing the gods of night, represents lunar time, new life, heart of nature’s power, human gestation.
Simbolizando los dioses de la noche, representa el tiempo lunar, nueva vida, corazón del poder de la naturaleza, la gestación humana
Ocelotl (Jaguar)
Represents the warrior of the night and spiritual worlds, neutralizing positive & negative creating balance, ceremony. It represents divine revelations.
Representa el guerrero de la noche y los mundos espirituales, neutralizando positivo y negativo creando un equilibrio, ceremonia. Representa revelaciones divinas
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Alternative Healing: Thai Massage with Devine Massage by Jojo - YouTube
Check out the video from SPIRITUAL-U featuring our Reiki student Johanna Romero demonstrating Thai Massage on Spiritual-U's own David Gonzalez
UNM Curanderismo Program Back for 12th Year - UNM Today | The University of New Mexico
UNM Curanderismo Program Back for 12th Year - UNM Today | The University of New Mexico
The popular summer course, “Traditional Medicine without Borders: Curanderismo in the Southwest and Mexico,” takes place at the University of New Mexico from July 16–27. Dr. Eliseo “Cheo” Torres, UNM vice president for Student Affairs and professor of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies hosts the course in conjunction with the UNM Women’s Resource Center.
This summer class, now in its 12th year, is an opportunity for Mexican traditional healers to share knowledge about curanderismo, the art and science of Mexican folk healing, with students and members of the public.
Torres takes an integrative approach to medicine and his class features demonstrations incorporating curanderismo with various traditional and holistic health techniques. The course uses healers and health practitioners from UNM, Mexico and the Albuquerque community as instructors.
“Each year the class has grown in popularity. We consistently have more than 100 students and this year, I’m again expecting local, national and international students,” Torres said. “Unique about this class is that local curanderos — practitioners and healers — all come together to share and learn about traditional healing methods. The first week local curanderos will be involved, while both Mexican curanderos and local curanderos will take part in week two,” he added.
In conjunction with the class, the UNM Women’s Resource Center and the National Hispanic Cultural Center sponsor and host two Mexican Traditional health fairs (Ferias de Salud) and free workshops; as well as a performance, “Santa de Cabora” about “Teresita,” a legendary curandera.
The health fairs and workshops are set for Tuesday, July 24 from noon to 4 p.m. on the UNM campus; and on Thursday, July 26 from 4 to 9 p.m. at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. The fairs feature more than 30 well-known Mexican folk healers/curanderos(as) from the México City area, including the communities of Cuernavaca, Tepoztlán, Amatlán and Oaxaca.
“The healers will discuss traditional healing therapies including herbal medications, spiritual energy cleansings and other healing techniques, which have remained a part of the Mexican culture for centuries. Treatments will be available and donations accepted,” Torres said.
Elena Diaz Bjorkquist performs “Santa de Cabora” on Thursday, July 19 at 7 p.m. at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in the Roy E. Disney Room. Bjorkquist is a writer, historian and artist from Tucson who authored two books, “Suffer Smoke,” and “Water from the Moon.” Opening performances that night include the music of Elena Klaver, a singer-songwriter whose songs reflect her work for peace, justice and environmental issues; as well as a “healing through laughter” demonstration by renowned curanderas, Rita Navarrete Perez and Tonita Gonzales. A $10 suggested donation will benefit the UNM Women’s Resource Center and the curanderismo class.
For more information on the course, including registration, syllabus, health fairs and workshops, visit Curanderismo, or follow on Facebook.
Media Contact: Carolyn Gonzales (505) 277‑5920; email:
This summer class, now in its 12th year, is an opportunity for Mexican traditional healers to share knowledge about curanderismo, the art and science of Mexican folk healing, with students and members of the public.
Torres takes an integrative approach to medicine and his class features demonstrations incorporating curanderismo with various traditional and holistic health techniques. The course uses healers and health practitioners from UNM, Mexico and the Albuquerque community as instructors.
“Each year the class has grown in popularity. We consistently have more than 100 students and this year, I’m again expecting local, national and international students,” Torres said. “Unique about this class is that local curanderos — practitioners and healers — all come together to share and learn about traditional healing methods. The first week local curanderos will be involved, while both Mexican curanderos and local curanderos will take part in week two,” he added.
In conjunction with the class, the UNM Women’s Resource Center and the National Hispanic Cultural Center sponsor and host two Mexican Traditional health fairs (Ferias de Salud) and free workshops; as well as a performance, “Santa de Cabora” about “Teresita,” a legendary curandera.
The health fairs and workshops are set for Tuesday, July 24 from noon to 4 p.m. on the UNM campus; and on Thursday, July 26 from 4 to 9 p.m. at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. The fairs feature more than 30 well-known Mexican folk healers/curanderos(as) from the México City area, including the communities of Cuernavaca, Tepoztlán, Amatlán and Oaxaca.
“The healers will discuss traditional healing therapies including herbal medications, spiritual energy cleansings and other healing techniques, which have remained a part of the Mexican culture for centuries. Treatments will be available and donations accepted,” Torres said.
Elena Diaz Bjorkquist performs “Santa de Cabora” on Thursday, July 19 at 7 p.m. at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in the Roy E. Disney Room. Bjorkquist is a writer, historian and artist from Tucson who authored two books, “Suffer Smoke,” and “Water from the Moon.” Opening performances that night include the music of Elena Klaver, a singer-songwriter whose songs reflect her work for peace, justice and environmental issues; as well as a “healing through laughter” demonstration by renowned curanderas, Rita Navarrete Perez and Tonita Gonzales. A $10 suggested donation will benefit the UNM Women’s Resource Center and the curanderismo class.
For more information on the course, including registration, syllabus, health fairs and workshops, visit Curanderismo, or follow on Facebook.
Media Contact: Carolyn Gonzales (505) 277‑5920; email:
Calendario Azteca - Aztec Calendar 9-25-12 English and Spanish
Calendario Azteca de hoy - Todays Aztec Calendar Chikoei (8) - Acatl (Reed)
Chikoei (8)
represents awareness of the material world and spiritual world, symbol of
Representa la conciencia del mundo material y el mundo espiritual, símbolo del poder
Acatl (Reed)
represents flexible, strong, can withstand many pressures, intelligence,
warrior, symbol for authority. represents the constant sprout of existence and its development to reach
unity. It is triumph over evil
Representa flexiablity, fuerte, capaz de soportar muchas presiones, la inteligencia, guerrero, símbolo de autoridad. representa la constante brote de la existencia y su desarrollo hasta llegar a la unidad. Es el triunfo sobre el mal
Monday, September 24, 2012
Interview with David Gonzalez Founder of Spiritual-U
Aztec Calendar 9-24-12 English and Spanish
Todays day sign Chikome (7)-Malinalli (Herb) in both English and Spanish
Chikome (7)
represents heart of duality, announces the seasons, eclipses, symbol for the
Representa el corazón de la dualidad, anuncia las estaciones, los eclipses, símbolo de las Pléyades.
Malinalli (Herb)
represents root of health, lives tendencies, change, regeneration, long life,
many struggles. Indicates the path of destination and life’s
development. It is the power, strength, and energy for the beginning of a job
or trip for the human realization
Representa la raíz de salud, vive tendencias, cambio, regeneración, larga vida, muchas luchas. Indica la ruta de destino y el desarrollo de la vida. Es el poder, la fuerza y la energía para el comienzo de un viaje de trabajo o para la realización humana
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Aztec Calendar 9-23-12

Chikoaze (6) represents new infinite cycle, cosmos, everything outside the heart.
Ozomahtli (Monkey) represents laziness, art, games, joyous, capable of grasping all things, represents infinite time and unit. Therefore it unites female and male.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Aztec Calendar 9-22-12
Todays Day Sign Makuilli (5)-Itzcuintli (Dog)
Makuilli (5) represents life function, from within, hearts center, the hand that gathers.
Itzcuintli (Dog) represents loyalty, friendship, guardian, protector, guide to the after life. represents the interpretation of the known and unknown. Guardian of material and spiritual laws. Represents order and exactitude
Friday, September 21, 2012
Aztec Calendar 9-21-12
Naui (4) represents the four sacred directions, seasons, four stages of humans, four people of the earth, four elements.
Atl (Water)
represents life, purifying force, and unpredictable, unstable, emotional. represents the emendation of sins. It
symbolizes rain as the beginning of communication with life and to life.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Fresno Tzu Chi Moon Festival
Fresno Tzu Chi Moon Festival
Need a night out? Or how about a night to ‘give back’ to the community?Fresno Tzu-Chi Foundation is hosting a charity night to celebrate the Moon Festival.
This is an annual fundraising event to promote and support our charity missions.
The night will be filled with food, entertainment, children activities and the famous lantern walk. Don’t miss out on this FREE event!
Date: Saturday, Sept. 22
Time: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Fresno Tzu Chi Foundation
7421 N. Maple Ave., Fresno, Ca 93720
Contact Information: Grace Yang, Foundation Director of Fresno Tzu Chi Foundation
Phone/Fax: (559) 298-4894
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Manifesting Abundance
When you let go and let the universe assist you things happen. Let me share one of these events that took place for me. I remember some years ago I had just bought my ranch and made my first mortgage payment. I was between paychecks and my car decided to have a major issue for at time which was going to coast $200 to fix. As I got the news at work I sat at my desk wondering how I would swing this before the next paycheck then I decided to do something I had just started to practice. I asked the universe to take care of it and make it work out and gave up my worry.
At lunch I decided to go to the library’s weekly books sale and of course being a new home owner I was looking for anything related to owning a home. I found a gardening book that retails for $20 new and it was the current years edition for only $2. I didn’t really look at until I got home and as I was thumbing through the pages half way through the book three crisp $100 dollar bills came falling out into my lap. I just smiled said thank you out loud the universe had solved my problem just by asking. -Francisco-
Today’s Mesoamerican Calendar 9-19-12
Ome (2) represents duality, creative process, yin &
yang, ome teotl, law of duality
(Deer) represents nobility, joyous, quick, cautious, symbol for the four
seasons. It is the strength and
power that carries humanity’s destination. It is the strength and energy of the
four cardinal points necessary for the creation of the world
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Aztec Calendar 9-18-12
Ze (1)
represents all and nothing, the first, unity
Miquiztli (Death) represents transformation, rest, reflection, letting go of the old, rebirth. It develops night’s energy into next day’s light, just like the renaissance after death
Miquiztli (Death) represents transformation, rest, reflection, letting go of the old, rebirth. It develops night’s energy into next day’s light, just like the renaissance after death
Monday, September 17, 2012
Make Friends with Angels
Make friends with the angels, who though invisible
are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make
good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and
spiritual affairs.
Saint Francis de Sales
Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.
Saint Francis de Sales
Saint Francis de Sales
Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.
Saint Francis de Sales
Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a
calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even
if your whole world seems upset.
Saint Francis de Sales
Saint Francis de Sales
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Aztec Calendar 9-16-2012
Mahtlaktli Ome (12) represents capable of solving all physical problems with creative answers
Cuetzpalin (Lizard) represents movement, resilience, regeneration, adaptation
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Aztec Calendar 9-15-2012
Mahtlaktli Ze (11) represents new beginning attached
to previous cycle, full load of creative abilities.
Calli (House) the foundation of culture, aware of all
temples like building, body, mind spirit, community, nation and world. Symbolizes the two polarities of energy,
light and darkness. Friday, September 14, 2012
Aztec Calendar 9-14-2012
Mahtlaktli (10)
represents full load, two hands, duality, balance, creative arts.
Ehecatl (Wind)
represents voices of the ancestors, wisdom from all directions, gentle and
destructive, breath of life. Represents
the essence of human beings. With Ehecatl it was possible to finalize the
creation/formation of the world and everything necessary for human beings
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Aztec Calendar 09-13-2012
Chikonaui (9)
represents lunar time, new life, heart of nature’s power, human gestation
Cipactli (Crocodile) (Ancient Sea Creature) represents power,
adaptable with being and creating, quick to snap, must be mindful of temper, do
not realize what they create until they are done. Symbolizes the hidden forces of the universe, the land was
formed on its back.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Fresno's Shenzen Japense Friendship Garden Seeks Help 09-12-12
Casa Del Curandero supports this community endeavor to keep this wonderful sanctuary thriving for our community.
Shinzen help sought
Supporters of the Shinzen Japanese Garden in Fresno's Woodward Park are seeking the public's help to maintain the garden and raise funds for its upkeep.
Volunteers are asked to show up Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon to help weed, rake, dig, plant, sweep and water the garden. There is no city staff dedicated to maintaining the garden because of budget cuts.
For more information, contact Richard Kassabian at (559) 434-8880 or (559) 259-7404.
Also, the nonprofit Shinzen Garden Society will hold a fundraiser Saturday, Sept. 29 called "Moonlight in the Garden."
The event will run from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. and include dinner, musical entertainment and a silent auction in the garden.
Information is available at or by calling Tom Skelton at (559) 840-1264 or (559) 227-8940.
Read more here:
Shinzen help sought
Supporters of the Shinzen Japanese Garden in Fresno's Woodward Park are seeking the public's help to maintain the garden and raise funds for its upkeep.
Volunteers are asked to show up Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon to help weed, rake, dig, plant, sweep and water the garden. There is no city staff dedicated to maintaining the garden because of budget cuts.
For more information, contact Richard Kassabian at (559) 434-8880 or (559) 259-7404.
Also, the nonprofit Shinzen Garden Society will hold a fundraiser Saturday, Sept. 29 called "Moonlight in the Garden."
The event will run from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. and include dinner, musical entertainment and a silent auction in the garden.
Information is available at or by calling Tom Skelton at (559) 840-1264 or (559) 227-8940.
Read more here:
Aztec Calendar 9-12-2012
Chikoei (8)
represents awareness of the material world and spiritual world, symbol of
Xochitl (Flower) represents the cycle of life, complete human
being, and symbol for flower. It
represents material and spiritual certainty. It is the realization of the body.
It represents the Xotchit’s manifestation and its triumph over Mictlan’s men. *Xochitl: refers to flower *Mictlan:
refers to the place of the dead
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Aztec Calendar 9-11-12
Chikome (7) wholeness, completion and fullness, represents heart of duality, announces the seasons, eclipses, symbol for the Pleiades.
Quiahuitl (Fire Rain) represents life, healing from the spiritual world, destructive, creation. It was the day when grandparents triumphed over barriers and problems
The terroist attacts on 9-11-01 took place on
Chikoaze (6) harmony, rebirth, completion of creation, represents new infinite cycle, cosmos, everything outside the heart
Cipactli (Crocodile) (Ancient Sea Creature) represents power, adaptable with being and creating, quick to snap, must be mindful of temper, do not realize what they create until they are done. Symbolizes the hidden forces of the universe, the land was formed on its back.
Aztec Calendar 9-11-12
Chikome (7)
represents heart of duality, announces the seasons, eclipses, symbol for the
Quiahuitl (Fire Rain) represents life, healing from the spiritual world,
destructive, creation. It was the day when
grandparents triumphed over barriers and problems
Monday, September 10, 2012
Aztec Calendar 9-10-2012
Chikoaze (6)
represents new infinite cycle, cosmos, everything outside the heart.
Tecpatl (Flint-Knife) represents sacrifice, communication, words
with power cutting all illusion, Truth. It is the energy that opens doors to the rain. It is the nawal of
intelligence and of doctors. *nawal refers to spirit
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Aztec Calendar 9-9-2012
Makuilli (5)
represents life function, from within, hearts center, the hand that gathers.
Ollin (Movement) represents movement, earth quake, revolutionary
spirit cleansing, transitions, male-female, symbol for movement. It is the development and relationship of
strengths to reach perfection. Day in which grandparents prayed the creator for
their wisdom.Saturday, September 8, 2012
Aztec Calendar 9-8-12
Naui (4) represents the four sacred directions, seasons, four stages of humans, four people of the earth, four elements
Cozcacuauhtli (Condor) represents recycling, ancient wisdom, speaks to ancestors. It is the memory of our ancestors who guide the present and influence the future
Friday, September 7, 2012
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