Monday, May 30, 2011

The Tao

The Tao is a tool or frame work to take a long look at how you take your steps in this world. It is not something set in stone but rather a starting point so that you can find how you will flow with the Tao in your life, now the rub is that we are each in our own flow but they flow into one great flow. Do you want to gently blend into that greater flow or enter it and disrupt all other flows? 

To crash into the the universal Tao will unbalance your inner peace, clashes with circumstances you can not change will become overbearing but if you can just flow the circumstances will change as the Tao changes and all conflicts will become balanced.

To flow into the Tao with ease will give you perceptive, balance and the ability to see the most difficult things as just a rock in the river to flow around and gain momentum on your journey.

Sometimes non-action requires action and sometimes action requires non-action. In order to understand stillness you must know motion and in order to understand motion you must understand stillness. When the mind is still you can then take proper action, when the mind is in motion you will miss the path of least resistance. To be in the Tao you are stillness in motion.

So be your best whatever that best happens to be at the moment and be mindful of the Tao and your flow into it.

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