Monday, August 20, 2012

Peace and Dignity Journey

In 1990, over 200 representatives of Indigenous nations from throughout the western hemisphere met for the first time in Quito, Ecuador. There, they witnessed the unfolding prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. The inspiration of spiritual running to re-unite the nations of turtle island surfaced from the elders. Elders from North, Central and South America remember and talk about a prophecy that foretold how we will come together and reunite as one… “we are like a body that was broken up into pieces and this body will come back together to be whole again.”. Peace & Dignity Journeys became part of the realization. Through Peace & Dignity Journeys, numerous and diverse indigenous nations reunite and reclaim dignity for their families and communities.

In 1992 the first Peace & Dignity Journey was completed. It continued again in 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008, where the people involved realized that Peace & Dignity Journeys was a powerful form of prayer that was beginning to unite and heal their nations. Peace & Dignity Journeys’ purpose is to attain the following goals amongst first nations of the North and South American continents, that which is known to be the unification of the Eagle and the Condor.

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