Saturday, January 19, 2013

01-19-2013 El Tonalpohualli - Sacred Meso-American Calendar

El Tonalpohualli is the Aztec interpretation of the Maya Calendar. Find the keys to the era of the sixth sun daily here. Today is Chikoaze- Tochtli

Chikome (Siete) (Seven)

This intrinsic number represents wholeness. It corresponds to the Pleiades that announces the seasons and eclipses.

Este número representa la totalidad. Corresponde a las Pléyades que anuncia las estaciones y los eclipses.

Atl (Agua) (Water)

This day sign represents life and its purifying force. The energy is unpredictable and unstable.

Este signo de día representa la vida y su fuerza purificadora. La energía es impredecible e inestable.

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