Wednesday, January 23, 2013

01-23-2013 El Tonalpohualli - Sacred Meso-American Calendar

El Tonalpohualli is the Aztec interpretation of the Maya Calendar. Find the keys to the era of the sixth sun daily here. Today is Mahtlaktli - Malinalli

Mahtlaktli Ze (Once) (Eleven)
This intrinsic number represents new beginning with the knowledge of the past. The ability to create what is conceived.

Este número representa un nuevo comienzo con el conocimiento del pasado. La capacidad de crear lo que se concibe.

Acatl (Carrizo) (Reed)

This day sign represents the warrior and intelligence. Constant sprout of existence growing to reach unity. It is triumph over evil.

Este signo de dia representa el guerrero y la inteligencia. Constante brote de la existencia cada vez mayor para alcanzar la unidad. Es el triunfo sobre el mal.

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