Sunday, January 20, 2013

01-20-2013 El Tonalpohualli - Sacred Meso-American Calendar

El Tonalpohualli is the Aztec interpretation of the Maya Calendar. Find the keys to the era of the sixth sun daily here. Today is Chikoei - Itzcuintli

Chikoei (Ocho) (Eight)

This intrinsic number represents cosmic order and equilibrium. Awareness of the material world and spiritual world..

Este número representa el orden cósmico y el equilibrio. El conocimiento del mundo material y el mundo espiritual.

Itzcuintli (Pero) (Dog)

This day sign represents the interpretation of the known and unknown. Guardian of material and spiritual laws.

Este signo de día representa la interpretación de lo conocido y lo desconocido. Guardián del material y las leyes espirituales.

El Tonalpohualli - Sacred Meso-American Calendar

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